Contact The Garden History Detective

How to get in touch

Contact The Garden History Detective

If you’re ready to bring the fascinating world of gardens to your garden society meeting, horticultural club gathering, or community event, I’d love to share my knowledge and passion with your audience. 

Please use the details below or the contact form on this page to ask any questions you may have or book your talk. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Before you Contact The Garden History Detective

I may have already answered your question:

Simply fill in the form above, or email me directly. Let me know which talk you're interested in, and together we can find a date & time that works for your group.

Payment is taken on the day of the talk.

My fee is £70.00 + mileage expenses (from Bournemouth).

I accept a cheque, cash or bank transfer.

All of my presentations last between 45 minutes – 1 hour and will be done via PowerPoint. I have a projector but would require a screen or plain wall.

All my equipment has been PAT tested.

Zoom lectures are a possibility - Please enquire.

Already have a talk in mind?

Pop your details in the form, and let me know which talk you’re interested in and if you have any prospective dates in mind. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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